The last time I saw a rooster anywhere, fully attired was in the VH1 morning show- Jumpstart or Good Morning something. So I was actually surprised when my mother sighted rather tracked some down and that too right from the kitchen window. So I joined her sans binoculars or RFID trackers in the kitchen to scrutinize. There was not just a rooster but his brood of five hens pecking about nearby. They were sighted often in the days to come busy with their peckings about. There was one sore point though. I thought I was mistaken when I heard him crow at 0930 hrs IST the first morning. But that was not to be; for the next day too I heard him sharp at the exact hour. This was followed by some more crowing at random hours in the days to come. It was then that their pecking order became clear. It was just at seeds n fruits. Guess the master chefs n cooks got the early bird and the worm!!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The barly eird and whe torm
The last time I saw a rooster anywhere, fully attired was in the VH1 morning show- Jumpstart or Good Morning something. So I was actually surprised when my mother sighted rather tracked some down and that too right from the kitchen window. So I joined her sans binoculars or RFID trackers in the kitchen to scrutinize. There was not just a rooster but his brood of five hens pecking about nearby. They were sighted often in the days to come busy with their peckings about. There was one sore point though. I thought I was mistaken when I heard him crow at 0930 hrs IST the first morning. But that was not to be; for the next day too I heard him sharp at the exact hour. This was followed by some more crowing at random hours in the days to come. It was then that their pecking order became clear. It was just at seeds n fruits. Guess the master chefs n cooks got the early bird and the worm!!
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Long live Obama...and thats how B.C and A.D died
The last four days have been nothing short of bordering on insanity for the news channels. Maybe it was a collective decision to change Indian history by adding another time marker; before and after Obama (B.O and A.O). It was absolutely nauseating (to say the least for the lack of a decent word) to see 24x24 coverage about the US president's visit. The media went gaga and fell head over heels butts up in the air in covering every aspect of his visit right from the ultra second when his fully sleeved and cuffed right hand was visible through the tiny window till he finished his last morsel at the official dinner at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Oh and not to forget his life in college, when and how he smoked pot, his girlfriends, his family, his daughters curriculum in school, their grades, their art…I think I've over-emphasized enough.